What is the FARM Science Van?
The FARM Science Van program includes an educator who travels to elementary schools providing individual classes with a hands-on, agriculturally accurate, science lesson aligned to the NGSS science standards.
Each STEM-based lesson is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and National Agricultural Literacy Outcomes (NALO) to increase agricultural awareness. The FARM Science Van program offers schools the convenience of a hands-on experience without the hassle of transportation arrangements or field trip permission slips.
What does the FARM Science Van provide?
- Next Generation Science Standards aligned lessons for grades Kindergarten through fifth grade, developed by a certified teacher, that illustrates the value of agriculture in our daily lives.
- Students work in pairs to complete a hands-on science experience integrating Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.
- Agriculture-related extension materials for each classroom teacher.
- Up to five 30 or 50-minute classes per day.
Because of the generous contributions of our sponsors through the Michigan Foundation for Agriculture, we are able to offer the FARM Science Van to schools at half the operating cost.
Four Star, $50,000
Three Star, $20,000
Two Star, $7,500
*Sponsor list reflects contributions to the first FARM Science Lab campaign.