Plant Science Careers

Plant science cultivates careers
From seed sales to crop scouting and processing, there are plenty of job possibilities for a career in plant science. You might be surprised to learn that plant science also includes ornamental landscaping and turfgrass and athletic field management.
Outlined below is a sampling of careers the plant science sector has to offer. The amount of training required is a general guide. More or less training could be necessary for a specific job.
High school tips
If you're in high school and interested in a plant science career requiring a four-year degree or additional education, it is recommended you take biology and business courses in addition to the suggested college preparatory courses determined by the college of your choice. It is also beneficial to take career and technical education courses relating to agriculture, construction management, mechanics or business.
If a plant science career requiring less training than a four-year college degree appeals to you, you're encouraged to participate in a career and technical education program relating to agriculture, construction management, mechanics or business.
Careers that require advanced degrees:
- Extension Crop Specialist
- Researcher - Genetics, Plant Breeding, Post-harvest Handling, Processing, Biofuels, Etc.
Careers that require a 4-year college degree:
- Agronomist
- Applicator/Planter/Harvester Software Design
- Arborist
- Athletic/Golf Turf Manager
- Biofuels Plant Manager
- Commodity Organization Management and Promotion
- Consultant
- Engineer - Biosystems, Mechanical, Electrical, Etc.
- Engineering - Equipment, Storage, Transportation, Biofuels
- Entomologist
- Extension Agent/Specialist
- Grain Inspector
- Grain Quality Tester
- Greenhouse and Garden Center Retail Sales
- Groundskeeper
- Horticulture Product Buyer or Broker
- Integrated Pest Management Plan Developer
- Laboratory Manager
- Landscape Architect
- Landscape Construction
- Landscape Designer
- Landscape Maintenance Manager
- Plant Propagator/Grower
- Pomologist
- Researcher - Genetics, Plant Breeding, Post-harvest Handling, Processing, Biofuels, Etc.
- Seed Sales
- Turfgrass Research
- Vineyard or Orchard Manager
- Viticulturist
- Weed Scientist
Careers that require at least some post-high school training or a 2-year degree:
- Biofuels Specialist
- Crop Scout
- Laboratory Technician
- Landscaper
- Miller
- Post-Harvest Processor
- Turf Management Specialist
Careers that do not require a college degree but require certifications and training:
- Certified Chemical Applicator
- Contract/Custom Harvester
- Diversified Crop Farmer
- Fruit or Vegetable Farmer
- Nursery Farmer
- Turfgrass Grower